
Simply the Best


The LCA offers the Visitor Program as an exclusive feature which provides members access to the best-practices and specialized knowledge of fellow members.

How it works

  • LCA Members enter basic data about their company; size, region, type of work, etc. Next, they enter areas where they believe their company has great expertise, or reasonable expertise.
  • When another member is seeking ideas, or expertise, or exposure to a different approach to staffing, or purchasing or production, or something else, he or she can search for that expertise using one or more of the criteria that all members have entered.
  • Once the visiting company has found another member company believed to have that expertise that the visiting member company is seeking, the visitor reaches out to the host company to arrange for a visit by one of his or her top managers for a few hours or a day or two.
  • Through this sharing of knowledge and expertise among members, the skills and processes of all members will be greatly enhanced.